What is God's Purpose for you?
In John 17 Jesus prayed that "they might be one even as we are one." In the beginning Adam and Eve were one with God in their heart and mind until they disobeyed then that was lost. Jesus came as a man and was one with His Father because he had no sin. His death, resurrection and the indwelling Holy Spirit makes it possible for each of us to be restored to oneness with Him. God has done His part, now you must do your part through listening and learning the truth in His word, believing and trusting Him completely, and fully surrendering to Him every moment of every day walking with Him by faith. Get started today by watching these videos by Andrew Wommack! |
DiscipleshipIn John 8:32 Jesus says, "if you continue in my word, then are you truly my disciples and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." There are a thousands of teachings available online from thousands of people but some teachings are foundational and pivotal for your life. Not knowing these truths and not being able to walk in these truths results in unbelief and frustration. We focus on helping you learn these pivotal truths and help you learn to apply them so you will walk in constant fellowship and freedom becoming one with Jesus in spirit and truth.
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True StoriesIt helps to see how to apply the word of God in our everyday lives. It is best to have examples to follow than instruction alone. Paul said "follow me as I follow Christ." He was not ashamed to say follow my example, in fact to King Herod he said, "I wish you had the same life I have." That is a bold statement which many cannot say. At one time I too would have been embarrassed for someone to experience the same life that I was living but not any more. These stories show you how to walk with Jesus fully believing him and fully surrendering to him from the most simple to the most complex of what life on Earth throws at us everyday.
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On MissionWe love helping people! While it may be necessary to help people with an immediate need, we prefer to help you learn to manage your time, your money, your attitudes, and your behavior so that you can begin to build a better more satisfying life that will last your entire lifetime and so like Jesus you will become more pleasing to God and pleasing to others. We provide practical ways for you to grow in knowledge, character, skills, and vision for your body, soul, and spirit. It is God's desire that you will then teach and share with others the things that you have learned that they also may know Him and the fullness of fellowship with Jesus in all areas of life.
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