The Car Crash

In this dream I was driving along a two lane road going 35 to 40 mph. I could see that I was coming to the end of the road where there was a T intersection and I had to turn either left or right. I wanted to go left. I grabbed my steering wheel firmly in both hands and wiggled it right then left. To my surprise I found that I could turn the wheel to the right but when I turned it to the left it would only go back to its original position (straight) and no further. All of this happened quickly and now I was going into the intersection so I pulled to the left with both hands as hard as I could. The truck barely moved left and I was really pulling with all of my might! I slid through the intersection and WHAM! Ran smack head on into a tree. I was thrown out the door onto the ground to the left of the truck. Lying face down in the dirt I lifted my head. Stunned I looked around. The truck had literally come apart into hundreds of pieces scattered all around. Dust was still swirling in the air. Suddenly, Jesus stepped out from behind the tree in a dazzling display of brilliant blinding light. He said, “If you as a vehicle will be broken, the light will come pouring in.” And then he was gone. I laid there for a while looking at the pieces of truck scattered about.
Over the years I have pondered that dream and prayed for that dream to come true; “Lord break me that the light may come pouring in.” I realized that in the dream I could have easily turned the truck to the right and made the turn with no problem. So why didn’t I? The fact that the truck would not turn to the left intrigued me so much that I was caught up in its unyielding strength and I was going to force it to turn with all of my might no matter what. I realized that God was saying if I only yielded to the direction he was clearly showing me (to the right) then I would have made the turn and everything would have been all right. But no, I had decided to try to force the truck to go to the left even though it would not. I failed to yield to something so obvious and so easy, simply because I wanted to go to the left even if it meant forcing the truck to turn using my own strength and power resulting in a wreck!
Following Jesus isn’t so hard, it’s the resisting that’s hard and results in hard times. Simply yielding to Him with childlike faith and trust no matter what, is all he asks, and results in more light, more blessing, more fellowship in the Spirit than we could ever dream, after all, God says...
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5,6
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Over the years I have pondered that dream and prayed for that dream to come true; “Lord break me that the light may come pouring in.” I realized that in the dream I could have easily turned the truck to the right and made the turn with no problem. So why didn’t I? The fact that the truck would not turn to the left intrigued me so much that I was caught up in its unyielding strength and I was going to force it to turn with all of my might no matter what. I realized that God was saying if I only yielded to the direction he was clearly showing me (to the right) then I would have made the turn and everything would have been all right. But no, I had decided to try to force the truck to go to the left even though it would not. I failed to yield to something so obvious and so easy, simply because I wanted to go to the left even if it meant forcing the truck to turn using my own strength and power resulting in a wreck!
Following Jesus isn’t so hard, it’s the resisting that’s hard and results in hard times. Simply yielding to Him with childlike faith and trust no matter what, is all he asks, and results in more light, more blessing, more fellowship in the Spirit than we could ever dream, after all, God says...
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5,6
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